Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Free Download Yukon - Clean Hi-Res Admin Template

Yukon - Clean Hi-Res Admin Template

Free Download Yukon - Clean Hi-Res Admin Template

Yukon is a clean HTML5/CSS3 web app based on AngularJS Framework, ui-router (routing framework for AngularJS), Bootstrap Framework and jQuery, its easily customisable (less files), cross-browser compatible and works great on mobile devices.

Latest Update v1.6 (30.06.2015)

 [App|[HTML][update] Bootstrap (3.3.5) [App|[HTML][update] Print Frindly pages (invoice, form grid, charts etc.) [App][HTML][bug] JS/CSS minor fixes


  • One page App (AngularJS)
  • HTML/PHP Version
  • Responsive Layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Hi-res ready
  • Build with less
  • Based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework 3
  • Custom pages: Error 404, Mailbox, User Profile, User List, Invoices and more
  • Integrated c3 chart library
  • Form Elements
    • Enhanced select boxes
    • Masked inputs
    • Datepicker
    • Daterangepicker
    • Switch buttons
    • Sliders
    • Multiupload
    • Autosize textareas
  • Form Validation
  • Wizard
  • Calendar
  • Filterable gallery grid
  • Google maps
  • Datatables
  • Footables
  • Custom notifications
  • Filterable Icon Sets


v1.5 (14.05.2015)
 [new] Yukon Landing Page added [new] Added Gulp (streaming build system) to Yukon (compile less, minify js etc.) [App][update] AngularJS (1.3.15) [App][update] UI-Router (0.2.14) [App][update] UI-Bootstrap (0.13.0) [App][update] Breadcrumbs (0.3.2-dev) [App|[HTML][update] Bootstrap (3.3.4) [App|[HTML][bug] Top menu (shifted on devices < 1119px) [App|[HTML][bug] Side collapsed menu (not visble when switched from top menu) [App][HTML][bug] JS/CSS minor fixes
v1.4 (22.11.2014)
 [App|[HTML][new] Custom select UI control (Selectize.js) [App|[HTML][new] Responsive Gantt Chart [App|[HTML][update] Bootstrap (3.3.1) [App|[HTML][update] Rewrited switchery.js init() function [App][HTML][update] Open menu section on page init [App|[HTML][bug] Side accordion menu js/css fixes [App|[HTML][bug] Small css fixes (Select2) [App][HTML][bug] JS/CSS minor fixes [App|[update] UI Bootstrap (0.12.0)
v1.3 (18.10.2014)
 [App|[HTML][new] Fixed Layout Backgrounds [App|[HTML][new] Style Switcher Show CSS Classes [App|[HTML][new] Equal Heights Plugin [App|[HTML][new] ClockPicker Plugin [App|[HTML][new] Chained Selects [App|[HTML][new] Password Strength Meter [App|[HTML][new] Password Show/Hide [App|[HTML][new] Custom Content Scroller (menu) [App|[HTML][new] Customized checkboxes and radio buttons (icheck) [App|[HTML][new] Login Page (new) [App|[HTML][new] Profile Page (new) [App|[HTML][new] Mail Compose Page (new) [App|[HTML][new] Main Menu Sub Navigation [App][HTML][bug] JS/CSS minor fixes [App|[new] AngularJS Text-Editor (textAngular) [App|[updated] AngularJS (1.2.26) [App|[updated] UI-Router (0.2.11) [App|[fixed] Typeahead plugin css style [HTML][new] Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor (Summernote)
v1.2 (02.10.2014)
 [App|[HTML][new] Top Menu Navigation [App|[HTML][new] Contact List Page [App|[HTML][new] Ace Editor [App|[HTML][new] 2 column multiselect [App|[HTML][new] Autosuggest (typeahead) [App][HTML][bug] Side Menu Navigation (mobile devices) [App|[new] Switchery directive (ng-switch) [App|[updated] Menu Toggle (window resize event) [App][HTML][bug] JS/CSS minor fixes
v1.1 (10.09.2014)
 [HTML][new] HTML/PHP version [App][new] Directive for changing title ('updateTitle') [App|HTML][new] Fixed width layout [App|HTML][new] Style Switcher [App|HTML][new] WYSIWYG Editor example [App|HTML][new] non-minified CSS (with comments) [App|HTML][new] Favicon [App][bug] Page Loader position [App][bug] Position for alert close button [App][bug] isTouchDevice, isHighDensity() moved to 'run' block [App][bug] Site Logo ui-sref [App|HTML][updated] Qrcode plugin [App][updated] Side menu redesign [App][updated] Error 404 moved to pages, updated styles [App][updated] Removed not needed files [App][updated] JS/CSS minor fixes
v1.0 (28.08.2014)
 initial release

Created 30 August 14
Last Update 1 July 15
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Compatible With AngularJS, Bootstrap 3.x
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Columns 4+
Documentation Unrated
Layout Responsive
Tags admin app, admin panel, angular, backend, bootstrap, css3, datatables, gantt chart, html5, maps, one page app, retina, web app

Preview/Demo Link : Link

Download Link : Link

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